
Australian Green Tree Frog
  • How to draw frogs

  • Frogs Life Information and Drawing Step by Step Tutorials

  Frogs are amphibians.

Amphibians are animals that spend the first part of their life in water and the second part on land. Frogs and their cousins, the toads, make up the largest group of amphibians. Frogs and toads look alike but do have some differences. Generally, frogs have slender bodies and smooth, moist skin. Toads have plump bodies and bumpy, drier skin. Most frogs have long powerful hind legs that help them leap long distances. Toads, on the other hand, have short legs. They tend to waddle or hop.

Frogs that burrow and dig have pointy feet. Frogs that climb trees have sticky feet. Frogs that swim have webbed feet.

Like all amphibians, frogs are cold-blooded. This means that their body temperature changes to match the temperature of their surroundings.

The smooth, moist skin of frogs does more than protect the body. Although frogs breathe with lungs, they also take in air through their skin. Frogs take in water through their skin, too. Instead of drinking with their mouths, they simply sit in water and soak it up like a sponge.


Where do frogs sleep?

Most frogs insects. Large frogs even eat mice, rats and lizards. Frogs hunt mainly by sight. Their large bulging eyes can see the tiniest movements of their prey. When ready to attack, a frog flicks out its weapon—a long tongue with a sticky tip. The frog traps its prey on the end of its tongue, then whips the prey into its mouth. If the prey is too far for their tongue to reach, frogs jump up and grab the prey in their mouth.

Each kind of frog makes its own special sound. The sounds range from peeps and grunts to pops and whistles. When "speaking" a frog pumps air back and forth over its vocal cords. The vocal cords are bands of skin that lie between the mouth and lungs. Many male frogs also have an air sac called a vocal sac. The sac swells as the frog calls out, making the sound even louder. Some frogs have one vocal sac under the chin. Others have a vocal sac on each side of the head.

  Frogs lay their eggs in water. They may lay hundreds, or even thousands, of eggs at a time. But only a few of these eggs develop into adult frogs.

  The babies that hatch from the eggs are called tadpoles. With their round head, legless body and long tail, they look more like fish than frogs. Unlike adult frogs, tadpoles breathe with gills. As tadpoles grow, their lungs start to form, their legs appear and their gills and tail begin shrinking. Eventually, they lose their gills and tail altogether.


Frogs that are easy to draw

  Frogs are expert swimmers. Their webbed feet act like flippers to push the water backward. As it swims, a frog kicks its hind legs back to push itself forward. Then, it draws its legs up to its body to get ready for the next kick.

Frogs and toads belong to a group of animals called "tailless." There are more than 3,000 different kinds of frogs and toads around the world. Though many of these animals are easy to recognize as "froglike" or "toadlike" some have unusual features. Most of these features help the animals survive in their environments.

Life Cycle of a Frog


Frogs are amphibians. They begin their lives as though they were fish but are more like land animals as adults. Frogs pass through stages during their lives. The series of stages in the life of an animal is called its life cycle.

Life Cycle of a Frog

A frog's life cycle begins when an adult frog lays a mass of eggs ii a pond or stream. Each egg hatches one baby frog called a tadpole. A tadpole is in many ways like a fish. It has a tail, and it breathes underwater through gills. As the tadpole grows, it gradually grows legs and begins to lose its tail. Its gills slowly develop into lungs for breathing air. At this stage, the animal is called a tadpole

  A tadpole frog gradually develops into a young frog. A young frog lives in water and on land. It has legs, lungs and no tail. The young frog grows to become an adult frog. The life cycle begins again when a mother adult frog lays a mass of eggs in water.

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