Ssi Benefits Countries Where One Can Move and Continue Receiving Benefits

There are two programs that the federal government operates to provide financial support to individuals who are disabled. The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers both programs. The approval process can be complicated, and many people get help from a Michigan disability attorney to get the disability benefits they deserve as quickly as possible.

After you receive your Social Security disability benefits, the benefits should continue as long as you are disabled, even if you move to a different state (and possibly even a different country depending on where and the type of benefit you receive).

Social Security Disability Benefits Are Federal Benefits

SSDI and SSI are federal disability benefits. SSA handles those benefits for the federal government. States are not involved in the process of obtaining, receiving, or continuing Social Security Disability Income nor Supplemental Security Income other than through contract work through SSA.

Therefore, if you choose to move to another state, your SSDI and SSI benefits should continue without interruption. The SSA pays most individuals their disability benefits through direct deposit. As long as you keep your bank account open, you should continue receiving your disability payments that way.

Individuals who have been approved for SSDI and SSI may also opt to have a card issued through SSA that they can access their disability funds through or a paper check instead of direct deposit to a bank account.

You do need to notify the SSA of your new mailing address, however, if you move and are receiving disability payments. If you want to open a new bank account to receive your SSDI or SSI payments, you also need to notify the SSA and request that the SSA begin making direct deposits to your new bank account.

Should I Notify the SSA When You Move to Another State

Yes. In order to transfer disability benefits to another state you must notify the Social Security Administration; there are two channels to communicate this:

  • Online. Notify the SSA of your new address online through your Social Security profile.
  • Local office. Go to a local Social Security Administration office and report your address change there.

State Medicaid Benefits and Social Security Disability Benefits

When you receive SSI benefits, you also qualify for Medicaid benefits. Medicaid is a state-administered health insurance plan. Therefore, you will need to apply for Medicaid in the state you are moving to once you have moved.

Medicaid programs vary from state to state, so your Medicaid benefits could change depending on the state to which you are moving. A disability attorney experienced in disability law and processes can walk you through what to do for SSI and Medicaid entitlement.

Your Social Security Disability Benefits Could Decrease

If you intend to live with another person or persons, your disability benefits could decrease or altogether cease depending on the household situation and the disability benefit that you are receiving. SSDI benefits are based on your work history and income. Therefore, if you receive SSDI benefits, those benefits should not change if you move, even if you move to another state.

However, the Social Security Administration bases SSI benefits on financial needs. It considers all your resources, including the financial support you receive from another person, including a spouse or someone you live with.

Therefore, if the other person pays a portion of the rent, utilities, and other household expenses, your SSI payments could decrease. A Michigan-based disability attorney can help you understand how your living situation may impact your disability benefit.

You are required by law to report any changes in your finances. If you fail to report the change to the SSA, you could lose your benefits if the SSA discovers the change.

If your benefits continue, the SSA may deduct an amount from each monthly payment until you reimburse the SSA for the overpayment of benefits from the date of your move to the date the SSA discovers the change in finances.

Contact a Michigan Disability Attorney if You Have Questions About Social Security Disability Benefits

The SSA denies many applications for SSI and SSDI benefits on the first review. The reasons for denial vary but often include a lack of medical evidence or insufficient information.

If your application for SSI or SSDI benefits has been denied, talk to Disability Law Group immediately about your options for appealing the disability denial. Contact us today.

Disability Law Group

Disability Law Group exclusively specializes in helping disabled individuals get the disability benefits they deserve. Unfortunately, people go through what seems like an uphill battle to win their disability case. We know the fight and we know it well.


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